Thursday, March 03, 2005

The Car

What a great name it is rather intriguing, I finally got my car back last night I am so excited! We took it to the shop and it was what Charles thought it was, being the fuel pump that is or rather the ground wire that leads to the fuel pump that went out. Now $300 dollars later we are "Lookin' for Adventure" it has been a long 6 weeks waiting to get the money to get it fixed.

The boys have been having fun with this new game they have been playing "Jack and Daxter" Charles bought it "for himself" and started playing it and then here come the boys wanting to play this cool game LOL Charles is saying "no way" I am going to beat it first then you can play it, the whole time he is thinking I am not going to get started playing this game than have them beat the game in like 2 hours when I am still on the first level. It is pure torture for the boys.

I was just reading my sisters blog and she was talking about my other sister getting ready to have her 4th child and first girl to boot! She is planning on naming the baby with a middle name of a song title and it was fun reminiscing about the song but I also have a name with a very popular song attached to it and every where I go I have had people singing to me the song, it is kind of fun but rather annoying as well. Good luck Kris!