Monday, July 06, 2009

In Preperation of the New Movie Next Week

Top 20 you know you've had too much of HP when:

1. You’ve glued/duct taped two extra heads on your dog and have renamed him Fluffy.
2. You actually make an effort to search for platform 9 three quarters running between platforms 9 and 10.
3. You refer to your residence as 'Privet Drive' or 'The Burrow'.
4. You run around under a blanket, insisting you’re invisible.
5. You’re convinced Sirius is NOT dead. Neither is Dumbledore.
6. When you get mad at someone, you mutter curses/hexes under your breath.
7. Whenever you turn on a flashlight, you mutter “Lumos”.
8. You hide under a bush, listening to the “Muggle news” and refer to you family as “Muggles”.
9. You’ve tattooed/cut a lightning bolt into your forehead.
10. You stick out your wand hand and wait for the Knight Bus.
11. You write in a blank diary, expecting a response from someone.
12. You call your lighter the “Put-Outer”.
13. You try and make the street lights go out with your lighter.
14. You know how to convert your currency into Wizarding money.
15. You own Wizarding Money.
16. You’ve attempted to use it.
17. You’ve tried the spells in the books.
18. Whenever you open a map you say “I solemnly swear I am up to no good”.
19. Whenever you close the map, you say “Mischief Managed!” just in case.
20. You insert random quotes from the books/movies into your conversations.