Monday, March 21, 2011

30 Day Photo Challenge

Day One: Yourself.

I took this from Facebook and thought I would do this here...

Create an album called "30 Day Photography Challenge" and each day take a photo of the following subjects:

Day One: Yourself.
Day Two: A view from your bedroom window.
Day Three: Somebody that you love.
Day Four: Your favorite drink.
Day Five: Some shadows.
Day Six: A colleague.
Day Seven: Something green.
Day Eight: Something tall.
Day Nine: Somewhere you like to relax.
Day Ten: Something sentimental.
Day Eleven: An interesting geological feature.
Day Twelve: An animal.
Day Thirteen: Your favorite building.
Day Fourteen: Looking down from something.
Day Fifteen: Water.
Day Sixteen: Some letters (not mail).
Day Seventeen: A clock.
Day Eighteen: The sky.
Day Nineteen: Something red.
Day Twenty: A collection of your favorite things.
Day Twenty One: Somebody you don't know.
Day Twenty Two: Something delicious.
Day Twenty Three: A picture taken at night.
Day Twenty Four: An interesting pattern.
Day Twenty Five: Your best friend.
Day Twenty Six: Something round.
Day Twenty Seven: Something seasonal.
Day Twenty Eight: A car.
Day Twenty Nine: Something reflective.
Day Thirty: A smile :)

You can shoot in any style you like. Your photos can be abstract, black and white, close-up, or even have photography effects applied. Don't forget to ask permission if required, and keep it decent (i.e no extreme nudity).


Anonymous said...

What a fun idea. I may have to snag the idea.

Anonymous said...

By they way you look really pretty Shelle!