Thursday, August 02, 2007

Charles New...

Here is the newest picture of Charles can you see anything different? He can!

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Anonymous said...

Yeah, I see something different...or rather someone different...DAD! LOL

Just kidding, Charles has mom's face shape, always has. Nice glasses. Are they readers or do you wear them all of the time?

David/Sue said...

Hey you waited longer than any of the others except your Dad. By the way his license now says Glasses,. He is not happy. I say about time.

Josh said...

ha ha you four-eyed freak looser

Anonymous said...

Looks good. Just a hint...You only need two points of contact to keep them on...You can be missing a nose piece or one side piece and theyre still wearable...

Anonymous said...

ROFLOL!! Kenny!! You crack me up. Have you tried taping them?! LOL

Anonymous said...

By the way, Mike says you sorta have that "Michael Douglas" in "Falling Down" look going I suppose that means you are losing your mind. Hmmm...(PS I don't remember the movie so I am not sure if he's being mean or not, so we are going with not LOL)

Triangle Cross Ranch said...

Somehow those glasses make you look less "Harley bad boy" and more "mature grown up"
How in the world did WE get this old?