Tuesday, March 08, 2005


Well I am so glad to be finally back at my computer after 3 days with the flu I am finally starting to feel normal again. It all started Saturday with kind of a scratchy throat but I thought hey I will get over this I had Joey scheduled to have a friend come over to play but by noon when I new something else was going on I called and cancelled. By 3:00 the chills hit and my body hurt so bad my clothes hurt to touch my skin. Charles came home and new instantly "What do you want me to do"? "Please go to the store... more TheraFlu"he went to the store got medicine and took care of me for the next 2 days finally yesterday I could start moving slowly it is amazing how much energy you loose when you are sick. Well that about sums up my last three and a half days. Anybody want the Flu?