Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Dinner When?

Ok there is nothing more frustrating than walking in the door at 6:30 to drop your stuff, grab the mail, shuffle through the bills, sit down for a quick sec and hear MOM what's for dinner? I sometimes just want to scream hearing those 4 words. I love to cook and I love my children but sometimes the two just don't mix. I just want to have a Calgon moment, I get up go to the kitchen and fix dinner and we eat about 7:30. I know I am just getting started with the back to work phase but there are just some things that I have forgotten and this was one of them (Have Josh get dinner started). Charles and I have realized just how much we need this as we both are getting off of work at 6:00 and to prevent sleeping on dinner we have devised a plan. We are getting 12 dinners prepared in advance just for this reason so we can have a little bit of flexibility and Joshua doesn't go crazy thinking he has to do it all.
Today went really well I am feeling a little bit overwhelmed but I know it will pass quickly as I get accustomed to everything and get a routine down, I just feel bad at this moment when I am more of a hindrance than an asset.