Thursday, January 27, 2005

Thursday's thoughts

This day was a day of reflection, thinking about all of the changes that are going to take place in the next couple of months, things to really think about and pray over. I am so fortunate to have a wonderful family that is so supportive even in the times of the boys bickering I know that they love each other. I am going to be out on the trail tomorrow trying to find a job this is getting really tiring and time consuming I go on line to look for jobs and it is an all day project, literally it takes all day to go through all of the possible places that are hiring.
Well it is the cold and flue season around here Charles came down with a rather nasty cold last night he woke up this morning stuffed up and not able to breathe, yuck! I had better break out the lysol and spray everything. The boys are all very healthy thank goodness I hate it when the whole family is sick at once. Well that is it for now.........